Impact of Catheter Stabilization on Catheter Micro-motion (MOTION study)

Includes a Live Web Event on 04/28/2025 at 6:45 PM (EDT)

Catheter micromotion is a commonly discussed, yet poorly defined phenomenon that is believed to contribute to catheter failure due to abrasion of the internal lining of the vessel and blood clot formation. Although anecdotal reports of catheter micromotion causing vessel injury and peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) failure exist, no evidence exists to measure or define catheter micromotion or evaluate the importance of this. This presentation will include results of a clinical trial that measured the extent of catheter micromotion using 2D and 3D ultrasound and whether additional stabilization of the catheter hub reduced catheter micromotion, adverse events, superficial venous thrombosis, and improved patient comfort. Catheter micromotion was assessed during clinician interaction with the extension set and between AM and PM timepoints to evaluate micromotion during patients’ activities of daily living. The results of this trial are not yet analyzed and will be provided during the presentation. This trial will help to evaluate future catheter designs to reduce catheter micromotion and to assess the impact of motion on catheter patency in humans.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, learners will be able to:

• Discuss the nature of catheter micromotion; how much and in what directions the catheter moves inside the vein

• Describe the importance of catheter micromotion on vascular injury and thrombosis and determine whether additional stabilization of catheter hubs have the potential to reduce motion during clinician use

• Determine whether additional stabilization of catheter hubs have the potential to reduce motion during activities of daily living

• Assess whether new devices have the potential to reduce micromotion and improve patient outcomes (ie, catheter dwell time and failure)

Contact Hours: 1
CRNI® RUs: 2

Andrew Bulmer, PhD

Dr. Andrew Bulmer is a professor of pathophysiology and is the colead of the Alliance for Vascular Access Teaching and Research (AVATAR) group at Griffith University on the Gold Coast. Professor Bulmer specializes in understanding the acute and chronic effects of various stressors on the heart, arteries, and veins. In his work with the AVATAR group, Dr. Bulmer is describing the effects of cannulation and catheter use on venous physiology and injury and uses ultrasound, haematology, and blood biochemistry to characterize the body's response. With this information, Dr. Bulmer's group is developing new ways to prevent injury and blood clots in order to prolong catheter patency and improve patient outcomes.


Live event: 04/28/2025 at 6:45 PM (EDT) You must register to access.
Virtual Session Evaluation
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