veINS Track: One Goal, One Vessel, One Cannulation, One VAD

Recorded On: 06/06/2022

Establishing a goal of one vessel, one catheter to complete the prescribed therapy requires careful assessment, careful selection, and proficient insertion of the most appropriate catheter size and length. Technology used with catheter materials, needleless connectors, and management practices can extend or limit catheter life, and consideration of a hemodilution ratio, as outlined by Roethlisberger, may help to evaluate the optimal location for catheter insertion and infusion of the treatment plan designed to achieve the one goal. In this session, we will discuss characteristics of optimal vein selection incorporating the INS Standards regarding insertion and vein visualization; consider VAD technology and management practices; and explore the impact of hemodilution upon one cannulation, one vessel, one VAD.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, learners will be able to: 

·      Explore the characteristics of optimal vein selection including quantitative assessment of size, flow, and valve locations

·      Discuss INS Standards and evidence for selection and recommended forearm placement for peripheral intravenous catheters

·      Explain the 4Vs of hemodilution and the 3:1 ratio to achieve one vessel, one cannulation, one VAD

Nancy Moureau, PhD, RN, CRNI®, CPUI™, VA-BC

Nancy Moureau, PhD, RN, CRNI®, CPUI, VA-BC, is a globally recognized leader and the founder of PICC Excellence, Inc., a premier provider of education on infusion therapy and vascular access device (VAD) insertion and care for over 3 years. Dr Moureau’s extensive clinical experience includes pediatric, neonatal, intensive care unit (ICU) peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)/IV teams, and home infusion care.

As CEO of PICC Excellence, she leads the development of over 8 online educational courses and pathways, emphasizing insertion competency and evidence-based practices. Her responsibilities include education development, research, global speaking engagements, legal reviews, manufacturer consulting, and active clinical practice for peripheral and central vascular access.

Dr Moureau pioneered PICC Certification™ (CPUI™) and Neonatal PICC Credentialing (CNPI) programs, validating inserters' education and competency. Most recently, she introduced a systematic UGPIV Mastery Learning Process, an ultrasound-guided peripheral insertion toolbox that earned the Infusion Nurses Society’s (INS) Seal of Approval—the first of its kind.

To connect with Dr Moureau, visit, or email her at


Live event: 06/06/2022 at 10:00 AM (EDT) You must register to access.
Session Evaluation
The purpose of the Education Program Evaluation is to enable INS to evaluate each educational session and provide feedback to the speaker. You must register to access.